After I had cleared the house of teenagers, I had to deal with the one teenager who mattered. Something was up, and I needed to know what.
My baby sister walked into the art room, just as I'd planned. I saw her out of the corner of my eye, and I didn't even recognize her. She was made up from head to toe. She looked thirty.
"What's going on with you, Skylar?" I asked as our brushes glid across our easels. "I'm your big sis. You can talk to me. Everything you're going through now, has already happened to me."
"Look at you, all this makeup, these hair extensions, these wild parties
- I barely recognize you anymore. I know you're still there somewhere
underneath all this."
I left her with one last warning: with one last warning: that I was going to stay in
the guest room until our parents got back. "And I expect you to be
back home in time for curfew every evening, and do your homework every
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