Saturday, June 7, 2014

May 21

Okay, it's not funny anymore.  In fact, it's downright frightening.
Sierra's behavior stopped being funny awhile ago.   In my opinion, she is in real serious trouble. 
If she keeps going like this I'm afraid she will die or be sent to prison for the rest of her natural life.  Or she could be locked away in some asylum. 
My little sister may be a pain, but I don't want to lose her.  I love her to pieces.  No matter what she does.

As most of you know, my little sister just started college.  It's funny, I keep referring to Sierra as my 'little' sister even though she's now taller and bigger than me, but she's younger than me by 6 simdays.  I changed her diapers, I read her bedtime stories, took her trick-or-treating when she practically begged me to, heck, I even took her to that psychic she wanted to go to and didn't tell mom about it.  (Mom, being Mom, found out on her own.)

But here's why I'm worried that Sierra might be in serious trouble.

The other night, we went to the movies, and when I came out of the theater, she'd plopped her sleeping bag in front of the building and was calmly dozing off to sleep. 

Sims laughed, pointed, even took pictures.

My reaction was, 'Oh, dear Watcher, child!' as I wrapped her up and took her back to the dorm. 

It's gotten to the point now where, it's more than just her being rebellious.  I'm actually worried for her mental state. 

She loves her physical education classes, but more than that I just think she enjoys playing with her anatomy skeleton. 

My sister has always been a bit on the eccentric side.  But eccentricity runs in our family.  We wouldn't be who we are without the thread of eccentricity running through it.   Ever since she was little, she's hated dolls and dresses.  She used to run around our rented house in Hidden Springs pretending she was a race car driver. 

She cut her hair short as soon as she was old enough and has worn it that way (even through all the different colors) ever since.  She gets up at 3 in the morning to exercise.  She's done it every morning, like clockwork, since she was thirteen.  And this was before she went to Fort Starch. 

When she was really little, she really loved being around my brother Imsety.  And he liked being around her, too.  Even though a few days after that picture was taken Imsety was gone to Fort Starch, I suspect his absence has created a void in her life. 

Anyway, the morning after that incident at the movie theater, I called Mom back in Hidden Springs and told her about it.
I could hear Mom's tired-sounding sighs.  Sure, I believe and maintain that Sierra got away with WAY more than AJ and Imsety ever did, but right now, she's putting mom and dad through hell.  And I'm about ready to join them. 

Because that same night, it got worse.

Sierra was arrested on campus for spraying graffiti on a building.

After she was fined a thousand simoleans, she was remanded to my custody.

The next morning, my parents met with Dr. Bill, Sierra's therapist, and with Dr. Simlius, the university president, to decide her fate. 

I know that sweet little girl is in there somewhere.  I know my little sister is in there. 
I don't care how long it takes.  We're going to find her.

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