Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rise and Shine

Rise and shine!  It's time for another eventful semester at Sims University.  I've already graduated, gotten one of the two degrees I sought -- now it's time for me to sit back and relax... and plan my next career move.
But I do have some things to say before I do... mostly regarding my kid sister.

As you know, my little sister went back to college after spending two weeks in a facility.  She was assigned to Henry Hall. 

This semester, I'm commuting to school, not staying on campus -- that way Kyle and I can tend to the animals -- and I can still keep tabs on Sierra. 

Sure enough, my little sister hadn't even gotten in the residence hall before she started her tricks.  She lambasted poor Leonard Shelly about the importance of exercise.  Keep in mind, Shelly was the pasty video-game-playing type, like AJ was before he went to Fort Starch and then he started working out.  The gym would be foreign to him.

This (imo totally cute) guy started working out next to Sierra in the dorm's built-in workout room.  She didn't even pay him any mind.  "You a PE major?" he asked her.
"Yeah," she muttered while doing her calisthenics. 

"Jerry Wheeler, Willow Creek," he said, introducing himself.  "And who is my workout partner tonight?"
Sierra took awhile to answer, in fact, I don't remember her answering at all. 
"Well if you won't tell me your name, I have ways of looking at the residents list and finding out who you are -- because any girl who can do two hundred reps without stopping is certainly worthy of my time.  Especially if she's cute."

Sierra's the only girl in her physical education classes. 
The guys don't quite know what to make of her, and she told me that one of them openly asked what she was doing in their courses.

In the student union while I was getting a bite to eat, two girls (who I gather either used to be in a romantic relationship or are currently in one) had a bit of a quarrel.  "Stop being so jealous!" the short-haired girl shouted to the long-haired girl.  "It was only one time!"
"But it's still one time too many," pleaded the long-haired girl.

When I left Barnstormer's for the night, Sierra was there talking about different sizes of weights with two guys I think who are in her classes.  I do notice that if Sierra socializes at all, it's mostly with guys.

Not sure what she is trying to prove though.  I guess that she can be as 'macho' as they are? 

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