Thursday, May 22, 2014

April 10


Ok, time out.
The way my best friend looks at my brother is, quite frankly, creeping me out.

When we were both teenagers, she told me she had a crush on him. But I thought she'd outgrown it.

Apparently not. I'd obviously rather her than that Ashley character, who REALLY gives me the willies.

So in her balls-to-the-walls crusade to get my brother to notice her, she got all dressed up in one of her best dresses and braided her hair and went to this sorority party.

As an aside, you want to talk creepy??? Check out this dormie's reaction to test tubes being tossed into a bonfire. I certainly wouldn't want my brother around HER, either. lol

She even tried meeting him on his level...although she got her butt kicked on Call of Duty. Oh well...she tried.

The next day was Thursday. I began it as I always do, by eating breakfast with AJ. Kay usually sleeps late, sometimes she joins us, and sometimes she doesn't.
"How are your classes, Sis?" he asked me.
"Pretty good."
"You like 'em?"
"You know, Sis," he told me, "the school paper is looking for writers. Maybe you should apply."
I smiled. "Maybe I should. Thanks!"

My fine arts adviser and prof was in the quad rambling about something unintelligible...

...Satis fell asleep in her microbiology class...

...and I gave a presentation in the student union. Don't worry, it wasn't one of those that are like lectures and make you fall asleep. I was talking about the environment.

As most of you know, ever since I was little, I've been passionate about the outdoors and the environment. It's been hard-wired in me from my dad, ever since he used to take us out to Pinochle Pond for nature walks in Sunset Valley.

...And my environmental sciences prof, Dr. Cramsky. I love that guy. He reminds me a little bit of Grandpa Plumb. I feel like I'm learning something new every day from him. He spit out a bunch of facts about how much radiation is let out in the atmosphere daily and, in particular, how much is surrounding factories. It was really an eye opener.
 Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51pm

Post by Butterfly on Apr 10, 2013 at 6:51pm

That evening AJ went out on a date with this Tri-Fruhm sorority girl, Samantha Grey. I can't say I know her that well, but I can say she is VERY persistent.

She is the one who keeps inviting us over to her place for parties. (That's her, on the right)

And that's also her, hoisting one Anastasia Vanderburg over a juice keg. Apparently they are very good friends. But I digress.

Anyway, Samantha called and asked him out, and AJ said yes, and he met her at this park place thingy.

He showed up to her sorority with her on his arm and he took a smartphone pic with her...

And they were looking mighty cozy and comfortable....

Meanwhile at that same party Kay met this guy named Kyle Heilman. She found he was from a farm and raised chickens and they started talking and got cozy... even talked about going back to Appaloosa and meeting her sister and her parents...

Olga Lehman gives me the creeps.
I said it when I met her when we moved into our honors cabins and I continue to say it. And I especially said it when she decided to tell ghost stories.

A whole bunch of us standing around in formal attire, on a dark and stormy night, were listening to ghost stories on the night before finals. Mom would be proud.

Even Dr. Noetal was there, shivering in her expensive pumps. Dr. Noetal is funny. I kind of think she wants to relive her student days.

Anyway, after coming in from the party, we did some last-minute cramming for our exams.

And oh...

Guess who made the Dean's List???? Humm???

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