There was a huge crowd at Simburger at lunch today. Kay and I attempted to clear the air when we met there. But the distance between us right now is still, well, about the size of the Simlantic Ocean. And it's sad. We did make some progress on one issue, though -- she's determined to leave university, no matter what I say. And Kyle is a big part of the reason why.
He's taking physical education classes with her and they even sit next to each other in class. But they're just friends.
Kay isn't the only person I ran into there. I spotted AJ, Samantha, and a couple of her sorority sisters, too.
"Samantha!" shouted AJ from behind her, his voice carrying in the fog. "We need to talk."
"What's there to talk about, Andrew?" I've only heard one person call AJ "Andrew" and that's mom, and only when she's mad. "You said it yourself, it's over. It never really was."
"Oh yes, it was. And it still is. You just don't realize it."
"Andrew, it's over. I've moved on. Don't you get it?"
"I was just a fling to you, right, Sam? Just someone to brag about dating to boost your cred among your sorority sisters. So what if I'm not one of your cool frat-boy friends. What you don't realize, Sam, is I fell in love with you. Your smile, your fun-loving nature, your sense of humor. I thought we'd get married, Sam. Now I guess I see how wrong I was."
While Samantha's sorority sister, Hanna something or other, was playing guitar to entertain the masses...
I caught a glimpse of Kyle doing an interview for the campus radio station. Curious, I wondered what his interview was about. So I moseyed over to where Kyle was talking to the jockey doing the interview.
He began talking about his fishing feats and his campaign to stop illegal poaching on campus. I said, okay, I can deal with that.
Then, apparently, the jockey's line of questioning turned personal, specifically, "Any truth to the rumors about you and Professor Cheesman's daughter?"
Kyle was not happy with that, angrily leaning his face right toward the jockey's. I had never seen him that upset before.
"I'm not answering any questions about that, you got it?" he shouted.
"Kyle? What are you doing here?"
"Sage." Kyle whispered breathlessly, putting his hand over his mouth. "I had to see you."
"Why? You're the reason my best friend isn't speaking to me."
"Come on, Sage, just listen. It's you I want to be with. Kayleigh and I, we're just friends, very good friends. I explained this to her before class. But it's you I want to be with. Sage -- I -- I think I'm falling in love with you."
The whole thing has my head spinning. I don't know what to think anymore.
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